Luci Viola Nel Bosco

by Guido Borelli
Original - Not For Sale
36.000 x 24.000 x 1.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Comments (32)

Rebecca Harman
Yes painting light through trees surely requires thought and technique. Congrats on the work and sale!

Charles Cater
Lovely work Guido... we have all dreamed of being able to capture light through trees like this!

Jerry Bokowski
Guido, There is always something special when light filters through atmosphere in a forest! Masterfully done! Congrats on your sale!

Lori Pittenger
Fantastic work Guido! I really love the color palette and the way you painted the light filtering through the trees!

Robert Coppen
Hmm . . . Luci. Lucy . . . the untrodden ways. Art is supposed to make you think and feel, and this piece surely does that. Beautiful.

Ashley Kujan
mmmmmm! i want to walk down that path and find out what treasures lie beyond..........................