La Salute

by Guido Borelli
Original - Sold
24.000 x 30.000 x 1.000 inches
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Comments (34)

Debbie Lind
It's a sweet feeling to know someone enjoys your work enough to purchase a piece of you work. Congratulations!

Inspiring work of Art! I am always in awe with all your works! Congrats Guido!

Sharon Mau
. I often miss the beautiful city of Venice . this painting is sensational . . Mi capita spesso di perdere la bellissima citt di Venezia. questo dipinto sensazionale.

Therese AbouNader
What can I say? Venice is my "Love for Beauty and Mystery"I still remember when I prayed to God to give my visit Full of Fan and Sunny days, to see the Beautiful water Reflections, and, !My Dream became True !!!!!!!! But you, Guido, you let me see it with Fresh eyes with this Painting So Beautiful....